A multi-sectoral approach to organizational transformational change and harmonization of innovative processes with tangible results and high added value: increased social impact.
Trainings of innovators, technology owners, Investors, Entrepreneurs and Managers of innovative projects with a special focus on Structuring and Harmonization of innovative processes and technology Transfer, personalized.
Applying a change management approach for harmonizing the innovative processes in the research, projects, programs, and management practices with societal needs, starting by a clear vision and communication with stakeholders.
Knowledge and Modern Technical Solutions and Regulations for Storage Batteries of Energy. Energy model of agricultural cooperative with zero consumption of energy Initiative RE100 Global Transition to Renewable Electricity.
iNNOBIZ1: community building operational insights
From bridges4iNNObiz through iNNObizSTARS to INNOBIZACADEMIA: The iNNOBIZ1 Multusectoral Ecosystem and Partner Network in Action for harmonization of the innovative processes
We are the Innovative Global and Neighborhood Impact Teams Engine (IGNITE) as a System Technologies (SoTSoT).
IGNITE performs Social Impact through new kind of iNNO-Teams, by creating conditions for the development of the social environment.
An Award, called a iNNObizSTAR is a part of Future Engineers Division of the Investor Cluster generated Token of iNNOBIZ1 Ecosystem and Partner Network.
We are the Live Social Cells offers opportunities for investing to generating iNNOBIZ1-type Ecosystems (iNNECO) and their connecting mobile infrastructures.
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